菠菜网lol正规平台 学生 Awarded National 科学 Foundation Graduate 研究 Fellowships and 二等奖

左:Anjum gajal. 对,格蕾丝·让皮埃尔.

Congratulations to Anjum Gujral (class of 2020) and Grace Jeanpierre (class of 2019), who were recently awarded prestigious Graduate 研究 Fellowships (GRFPs) from the 美国国家科学基金会. GRFP为博士生提供三个 years of full funding, is the NSF’s most competitive national award for students. Undergraduate research experiences play an important role in preparing students for graduate school, and both of these students gained research experiences in laboratories 在上海州立大学理学院任教. 

While an undergraduate at 菠菜网lol正规平台, Anjum Gujral worked 博士. 苏珊·兰布雷特博士. Tracy Misiewicz和Dr. 生物系的本·卡特. Anjum的研究项目 included greenhouse, field and laboratory studies and focused on studying evolutionary responses to drought in a native wildflower called True Babystars, and the conservation biology of a rare redwood forest wildflower called Dudley’s Lousewort. 她的工作成果 in two research poster presentations, 一个 of which won second place for Best Student Poster, and she coauthored a peer-reviewed journal article from her work in the Lambrecht laboratory, and is the lead author on a second manuscript currently under review from 她在卡特实验室的工作. Anjum目前在San攻读硕士课程 旧金山州立大学博士. Kevin Simonin’s research laboratory where she studies the intersections of plant ecophysiology and plant restoration in montane meadows. Anjum’s successful GRFP proposal focused on the importance of including plant functional traits in the development of effective conservation strategies, and she plans to build on her current work as an MS student to continue developing this integrative approach 从2022年秋季开始攻读博士学位.

格蕾丝·让皮埃尔是三个中的一个 菠菜网lol正规平台理学院课程 that provide financial support to under-represented minority students to help them gain valuable research experience: CSU Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CSU-LSAMP), the National 研究院 of Health (NIH)-funded 研究 Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE), and the NIH-funded Maximizing Access to 研究 职业生涯s (马克)项目.  Although Grace was an Electrical 工程 major, she gained research 博士经验. 亚伯拉罕·沃尔科特的物理化学实验室. 格蕾丝研究过 two projects; she first worked with ZnO nanorods as a photoelectrochemical cell for hydrogen evolution from water splitting and then transiti一个d to working with amination 用于生物检测的纳米金刚石表面化学. 格蕾丝做出了巨大贡献 to the amination project and is an author of a manuscript entitled, “Brominated nanoscale diamond enables room temperature and catalysis free functionalization chemistry” that is under review at the Journal of the American Chemical Society. 格蕾丝的研究 journey is expansive and included work at 菠菜网lol正规平台, The Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) and 除了. Grace is currently a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin, 在博士的实验室工作. Samantha Santacruz doing research on neurotherapeutics. 

Three 菠菜网lol正规平台 Biology and Chemistry 学生 Receive 二等奖:

The NSF recognizes additional outstanding students each year with honorable mentions.  This year, this prestigious recognition was given to three former 菠菜网lol正规平台 students, all of whom had undergraduate research experiences in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 理学院: Jasmine Garcia, Theodore Tran和Natanya Villegas.

贾思敏·加西亚(Jasmine Garcia)是LSAMP的学者. 布兰登·怀特的研究实验室. Jasmine’s project was to look at gene expression changes in breast cancer cells treated 加上核桃提取物. After graduating from 菠菜网lol正规平台 she went on to work at Stanford University before being accepted into the Biology and Biomedical 科学s PhD program at Harvard University where she will start this fall. 

Theofore Tran was an undergraduate in the Biology Department and worked 博士. 杰西卡 Castillo Vardaro in her Molecular Ecology Laboratory. 西奥多的研究包括 molecular sexing of American pika from fecal DNA, designing a device to passively survey and sample urban tree squirrels, and modeling the distribution of tree squirrels 整个美国. After graduating from 菠菜网lol正规平台, he continued to work in the Molecular Ecology Laboratory while also starting work 博士. Maya deVries her Marine Ecology Laboratory where his research included examining climate change effects on mantis shrimp, a vicious marine predator. 西奥多介绍了他的研究 on squirrels at the Annual Meeting of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 以及第33届科罗拉多州立大学生物技术研讨会. 他目前正在准备发表第一作者论文 manuscript for publication on the distribution of native and introduced tree squirrels 博士. 卡斯蒂略·瓦尔达罗博士. 本•卡特. 西奥多打算申请毕业 2021年秋季海洋生物学院.

Natanya Villegas was an NIH RISE and MARC fellow in Dr. 凯瑟琳·威尔金森的神经生理学 在生物系的实验室. Natanya目前是一名二年级毕业生 俄勒冈大学的一名学生. Calin Plesa的研究小组 goal of performing high-impact, multidisciplinary work, while learning the skills 需要在学术界和工业界取得成功.

Congratulations to all of our 理学院 alumni who received this national 在这一年的认可和 在过去的几年里祝你们博士学业顺利! 我们为你感到骄傲,并期待你的 未来的成功.